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4 example in the context of the DVP project

4.1 actual state analysis and domain knowledge

In the following the existing CD is described, in order to seize possible starting points for a Refactoring.

4.1.1 description that CD

In the laboratory following relevant hardware becomes used165:

CCU: Intel Pentium 4 1500 MHz
Non removable disk: 40 GB von Maxtor
Diagram map: ATI technology Inc. Radeon check valve 100
DVB maps: Technotrend DVB Card "budget S” and DVB Card "Premium”

The complete graphic structure can be inferred from the appendix A.
Version with 2,6 a Kernel consists the available CD of a remasterten Knoppix 3,7, in which various programs necessary for the demo CD were not deinstalliert. In addition came the current DVB drivers and the Xfce 4 Desktop166, which is substantially smaller and faster loadable than associated according to standard the KDE of Knoppix. Additionally the Apache server 2,0 with the Python module 3,1 as well as the Python program 2,3 was furnished. In addition VDR was installed including for the Patch167 Elchi.
The additional Patch Vanilla can be selected optionally.
For demo purposes the following Plugins168 was installed:

Plugins of the Demo-CD169 already integrated
Name Short description
Plugin femon 0.07
Representation of the DVB signal information of the current transmitter on the OSD.
Plugin of games 0.6.1
Collection of plays: Snake, Tetris, Tron, TicTacToe, Minesweeper.
Plugin mp3 0.9.9
Rendition of mp3s, WAVs etc. the control concept is Playlisten centered.
Plugin more mplayer 0.9.9
Different video formats e.g. play like (S) VCDs and DVDs.
Plugin osdpip
(picture into picture) 0.07.1 26.10.2004
On the OSD, a channel from frame, the other one than reduced picture shows at the same time 2 channels in a corner. (same transponder, otherwise 2 DVB maps are necessary)
Plugin time LINE 0.9.0
Diagram of pre-programmed photographs and their conflicts in the course of the day.
Plugin tvonscreen 0.7.0
Announcement of EPG data of 3 television stations in a TV-magazine-similar opinion.

Table 28: Plugins that demo CD
The exemplary Plugins was selected for visual reasons for the demo CD. The respective control guidance of the Plugins is to be inferred from the academic year work [Schö 2005] P. 8 FF.
The finished system can be implemented in the laboratory environment. Automatically a Web surface starts the boatable CD in the goods basket Design, in the Plugins, Patchs and the operation to be selected can and then the VDR software configured start leaves themselves. The image output can be steered via the attached television or via the installed Player kvdr. The operation takes place alternatively by keyboard or remote maintenance. In addition the module lirc170 was furnished.
The opinion of the goods basket surface:

Illustration 19: Opinion of the menu of the existing CD

Over configuration files by means of XML fragments the Web surface is provided dynamically. When pressing the Startbuttons the compound instruction to a terminal is then led, which starts the VDR with the desired Plugins.
The proceeding is here graphically represented:

Illustration 20: Proceeding that demo CD

The complete notation of the FORE requirements and - characteristics can be taken from the appendix B. The notation is against-reflected in the menu; realized requirements that CD were marked contained in the program with one "+ "and in each case a further knot. Possible selection in the first level:

Illustration 21: Conversion of the requirements as FORE notation

In order to keep the listing structure in the eye, the paths relevant for VDR are here summarized:

Table 29: Paths that liveCD


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